Nederman Channel and Partner Program

Share Key Figures

Share data
2024 2023  2022  2021   2020  
Earnings per share after tax, SEK  9.83 9.71  9.37  8.70  3.15 
Share price, 31 December, SEK 217.0 179.5  172.4  218.0  141.0 
Market capitalisation, SEK m 7,626.7 6,308.7  6,059.2  7,661.8  4,954.1 
Cash flow, SEK m -18.8 115.4  133.1  42.1  67.0  
Proposed dividend per share, SEK 4.00 3.95  3.75  3.50  -  
Dividend resolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, SEK -  -  1.00 
Dividend growth, % 1.3 5.3  7.1  250.0 
Yield, % 1.84 2.20  2.18  1.61 
P/E ratio 22.1 18.5  18.4  25.1  44.8 
Profit distributed as dividend, % 41 41  40   40  32 
Equity, SEK m         2,718.6 2,372.0  2,186.5  1,717.4  1,300.8 
Issued no. of shares, 31 Dec 35,146,020 35,146,020  35,146,020  35,146,020  35.146.020 
Proposed dividend as percentage of equity, % 5.2 5.8  6.0  7.2 

* The retrospective approach was applied in relation to IFRS 16 Leases and figures for 2018 are therefore restated pursuant to the new standard.