Nederman Channel and Partner Program


80 years ago, Nederman was already a pioneer within working environments and clean air. Our determination to address the environmental challenges of industry through innovative solutions and cost-effective production has led  to continuous expansion and a world-leading position in industrial air filtration. Today, expansion and value creation is achieved through digitalisation and servicification, and we are still at the forefront of development. This is how Nederman, as an environmental technology company and global leader, creates value and growth – for our customers, for our employees and for our owners.

We protect people, planet and production.

Latest Report at a glance

Nederman's Annual and Sustainability Report 2024 published

Nederman's Annual and Sustainability Report 2024 has been published and is now available on the Group’s website. The printed version is being distributed to subscribers and new shareholders.


The annual report can be downloaded at



For further information, please contact:


Sven Kristensson, CEO

Telephone: +46 42 18 87 00

e-mail: [email protected]  


Matthew Cusick, CFO

Telephone: +46 42 18 87 00

e-mail: [email protected]



This information is information that Nederman Holding AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at  08:00 CET on March 18, 2025.




About Nederman

Nederman is an environmental technology company and a global leader in industrial air filtration dedicated to extracting, transporting and cleaning air to make industrial production more efficient, safe and sustainable. Based on industry leading products, solutions and services in combination with innovative IoT technology, we monitor and optimise performance and validate emissions compliance to protect people, planet and production.


The Nederman Group is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. The Group has approximately 2,500 employees and a presence in more than 50 countries. Learn more at


Nederman Holding AB (publ), P.O. Box 602, SE-251 06 Helsingborg, Sweden
Corporate registration number: 556576-4205